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dream one till eight
Johanna Creutzburg
dream 2 - the spa hotel: "GDR-recreation home, a dilapidated concrete building, panorama front at the top, glass with five meter height foundation for walking, concrete columns to separate ... inside is a thick layer of dust above everything, it once was a noble king's palace, of various panelled timber, I' m looking for something in a part of the building, ask people who are sitting in corridors ..."
All eight dreams the artist had in one week in march 2008 JOHANNA CREUTZBURG
Die Zeichnerin wurde 1982 geboren, studierte Illustration in Hamburg, lebt und arbeitet in Berlin.
Die Sequenz "Träume 1 bis 8" wurde gedruckt in der Comicanthologie "Ich/I/Je/Io", Mami Verlag, Hamburg, 2008
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