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The storyteller
by M. Mathias
On a market in Morocco, the reader meets a storyteller. Easily the modern European traveller could have mistaken her for a beggar, yet she presents herself with all the confidence of the inheritor of a tradition that began a hundred thousand years ago. Whose story now is told here again in the digital world of the 21st century, but in the form of an unpretentious little black-and-white comic, just some ink on paper, which reflects an encounter that itself could have happened in a fairytale – if the old lady's attitude would have been a bit less pedestrian.
was born 1985 in Germany und developed already in younger days an extraordinary interest in the medium „Comic“. After completing one year of art school in Switzerland he took a year off to realise his project, a reportage about Morocco. The book „Inshallah – Short Stories from Morocco“ is the result of a 3-month research travel in Morocco and Andalusia, it includes 5 short stories and was published in german language
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