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by Dirk Schwieger
part 1
is a comic documentary about the two nations inhabiting Iceland. The Humans, descendants of the Vikings and their Celtic slaves, and the Elves, whose origin remains unknown, but who are said to have lived in Iceland long before the Vikings. In the 21st century, not all of the Icelanders believe in Elves. But many do pay respect to this invisible second race, which abides by its own code of rules and taboos - and severely punishes their violation.
For one year 2002/2003, I have travelled throughout Iceland, interviewing people who have come into direct contact with the Elves. In this way, more than 60 interviews have come into being, constituting the basis for . Some of the interviewees only saw them from a distance, some have been invited into their homesteads, others even owe their lives to the Hidden People.
website of the author: www.eigen-heim.com
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