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Still Life
Chihoi At the beginning I thought of them, and asked them out.
I once proposed to them my thoughts on still life,
"See what still life means in English, a thing that stands still, and in a sense it is somewhat alive. But in French, still life, nature morte, which is literally dead by nature. And still life in Chinese, Jing-wu, the thing is neither alive nor dead but silent, a silent object. It reminds me of a critical situation in the hospital: death, is to be certified." Then they make out some plots and start to rehears, out of spontaneity.
I would love to believe, that they are the ones who understand me most. In the rehearsals they asked me of my past. Sometimes they agreed with what I thought and what I did, sometimes they did not. And they started to rehearse on their own ideation to see what it might be to take my place. Sometimes what they acted out resembled my past, sometimes it did not. Sometimes I would make up my past to cheat them. Sometimes they took the forged stories as real, and sometimes I got debunked. Sometimes their emotions generated a scenario, sometimes it was the reverse; and now I guess I like the former better. |
Whilst they rehearsed, I drew sketches. Sometimes my drawings would change their plots, but sometimes it would not. At the end I compiled all the sketches, and thus is this album.
During all this, some of them grew older, but some grew younger, and some stayed in a certain stage. I looked at them, but could never tell how old they really are. At the end I would hardly recall their faces. They fade. This comic book documents all the ruins I saw with my eyes closed.
Chihoi 2003 www.chihoi.net
A printed version of "Still Life" in chinese and english was published in Hong Kong by
Wheatear publishing company limeted and 2009 in France at
published at Atrabile:
"A l'Horizon"